Promote Eco Care Planting
A beautiful flower that pleases the eye and delights the heart more often than not requires for the farmer to spray huge amounts of chemical pesticides on it in order to keep its appeal.
This is why in 2012 and 2015, there were frequent news reports that questioned the methods that have been used for planting in the well-known area of Cameron Highlands in Malaysia, where the water quality was inspected and found to contain toxic pesticides. Today, we know and are fully aware that it is only a short matter of time before the chemical pesticides we use on our plants re-enter our body’s systems.
In order to encourage more people to stop using chemical pesticides, Baba has established the “Earth Tag Eco-care Potted Plant” for setting environmentally friendly gardening standards.
Growers who are seeking to obtain a certification from “Earth Tag Eco-care Potted Plant” are required to meet the stringent standards and pass the annual inspection of Taiwan’s largest International Organic Certification body – 『Tse Xin Organic Certification Corporation』 – from conducting audits of the flower beds on site and ensuring that the plants are being grown organically, to complying with the operational criteria and fully eliminating the use of chemical pesticides – only when one has fulfilled all the set criteria is one able to obtain the “Earth Tag Eco-care Potted Plant” certification.
Earth Tag Eco-Care Potted Plant

【Earth Tag】is not just a non profit organization, but Malaysia’s first community certification standard as well, introduced to help consumers recognize “real organic”.
【Earth Tag Eco-care Potted Plant Standard】is the premier standard worldwide for certifying potted plants. It encourages that no chemical pesticides are used during the first-line planting process so as to protect the environment, the water source, and the health of the grower and the consumers.
To maintain the quality of ornamental plants, large volumes of chemical pesticides are often used in the planting process, causing pollution of the environment and the water source as well as threatening the health of the ecosystem, the operator, and the employees.
Apart from using non-toxic planting materials, all plastic pots must be made using biodegradable materials in order to reduce the impact of plastic waste on the environment.
Listen To Earth Tag Grower

“Protecting the environment, water sources and workers”
Mr. Kok King Mun from Cameron Highlands『Green Flourish Nursery』is the first grower in Cameron Highlands to grow pesticide-free plants. Inspired by his daughter and with the encouragement of Baba, Mr. Kok decided to stop applying chemical pesticides. Though he has encountered many problems with pests, he has persisted in his efforts till now.
For Mr. Kok, the greatest gain in growing “Earth Tag Eco Plant” is becoming healthier himself. By not using toxic pesticides, one can not only protect the water and environment, but also protect the consumers who buy and support Eco Plant.

“Consume environmentally friendly aromatic herbs without worry”
Mr. Tan Goo Tong from『Goo Tong Nursery』in Cameron Highlands is a grower with 20 years of planting experience. For the sake of his family, his workers and consumers in general, he started planting pesticide-free potted flowers from 2013 and successfully acquired the《Earth Tag》certification.
Mr. Tan grows a wide selection of pesticide-free herbs, including Mint, Laksa leaves, Basil and Rosemary, among others. He understands that with the rise of consumer awareness, education and living standards, people are now more health-conscious than before. Therefore, since the herbs are edible plants, consumers may now be able to enjoy the herbs with ease and need not worry about any pesticide residue problems.
Mr. Tan grows eco-herbs happily, consumers eat them peacefully.

“A natural ecological garden should consist of bees and birds”
Mr. Khor Kim Huat is the founder of『Fragrance Nursery』in Cameron Highlands. He is one of the eco-planting growers who have successfully obtained the Baba Insight certification.
Two years ago, when Mr. Khor started his eco-planting venture, he asked himself, “Do we really need a pesticide-free plant?” He realised that, in fact, it is the environment that needs it.
After not applying chemical pesticides for a while, Mr. Khor’s farm began to appeal more to the bees and birds. He commented that this is the ecological balance that the environment should have. Mr. Khor is able to let his children play at the farm with ease too. Although he has faced a lot of problems with pests, he is determined to solve them with natural remedies. By going natural, the resistance of the plants will also be stronger and they will be able to grow unrestricted within a healthy and clean environment.
Eco-planting not only protects our health, but also the ecology and environment.