Promote Eco Nursery
A nursery is where people can get in touch with Mother Nature. It is a good place to appreciate the beauty of flowers, spend our leisure time or shop around, but in order to guard these beautiful plants from weed, pests and fungal growth, many nurseries have to resort to spraying chemical pesticides and herbicides on a regular basis. The use of these chemical pesticides not only causes serious health consequences for the users, but also to every nature lover that has come into contact with the plants.
Hence, Baba started this “Earth Tag Eco Nursery” to protect the health of dealers, employees, children and the environment. An “Earth Tag Eco Nursery” requires the implementation of strict operating procedures such as having clearly segmented areas between chemical and organic materials, plantation conservation areas, keeping records of pest prevention and control, and most importantly, prohibiting the use of chemical pesticides in the centre.
As such, an “Earth Tag Eco Nursery” is in need of your greatest moral support and encouragement in spearheading its mission.
Earth Tag Eco Nursery

【Earth Tag Certification】is not just a non profit organization, but Malaysia’s first community certification standard as well, introduced to help consumers recognize “real organic”.
【Earth Tag Eco Nursery Certification】was established to encourage nursery owners to refrain from using harmful chemical materials so as to keep children, consumers, employees, and themselves safe. As a result of not using chemical materials, the natural ecosystems of eco nurseries thrive with small animals, and these nurseries act as green spaces within the city.
【Earth Tag Eco Nursery Certification】uses the Participatory Guarantee System (refer to: “International certification – Participatory Guarantee System). Community consumers participate in the certification process, not just ensuring fairness but also allowing consumers to maintain and support the good reputation of a nursery.
Participatory Guarantee System
The Participatory Guarantee System is a programme that invites people with the same vision from different industries to come together and inspect businesses that possess the Earth Tag certification. This is a new programme that was just recently launched globally.
In Nov 2016, Earth Tag started off this programme in Malaysia to inspecting the Eco Nurseries. The main purpose for this inspection is to make the certification process more transparent, which will not only increase the level of public trust towards Eco Nurseries, but also increase the level of understanding of the functions and meaning for the existence of these Eco Nurseries.
Through the inspection process, the public inspectors had gotten the opportunity to better understand the roles played by the Eco Nurseries. Being witnesses to the natural beauty and fresh air of the environment and then acknowledging the efforts made by the Eco Nurseries offer a fresh encouragement to all the Eco Nursery owners.
Sharing from participants

A man with a strong concept of what defines environment-friendliness
This is the first time that I have had the chance to join a certification inspection and it was really an eye-opener. The guidance of the team leader has allowed me to deeply understand Eco Nurseries with the “Earth Tag” logo and I feel that this is a really meaningful and challenging activity to undertake.
From the owner of the nursery, I got to know that the usage of chemical pesticides not only affects the health of consumers, it will also cause harm to the workers at the nursery. I hope that this activity can continue on indefinitely, and that all of us can support and promote this meaningful programme.

This inspection process was an unimaginable learning platform for me. I personally experienced and understood the importance for the public to join such certification processes and the true meaning behind Eco Nurseries. I am truly moved by this experience and hope that in the future, I will have more chances of joining similar activities to bolster my experience and make life more interesting and worth living.

Student pursuing a Degree in Botany
Jing Si Aphorism: “Natural disasters are caused by human wrongdoings that originated from the human mind.” The health problems that are caused by the residuals of chemical pesticides are clear for all to see. Should we continue to act indifferent to this, it will snowball into something that we cannot hope to handle in the future.
I really admire Baba for their persistence towards going organic and am honoured to be able to join this “Participatory Guarantee System” programme. Throughout the inspection process, we had to make sure that the Eco Nursery inspected does not use any chemical pesticides at all in their operations. This will allow us all to live in a surrounding that is free from residuals of chemical pesticides and we will then be able to lead better and healthier lives.

The process introduced by the “Participatory Guarantee System” programme enables nursery owners to be able to decide the period, way and scale of their intended change. This theory fits in with the ISO standards and is a logical, scientific way. If the individual nursery owners can ponder deeply about the change they wish to see in their operations, this will help them better operate their nurseries. Consumers who visit these said nurseries will then be influenced by the owners and I believe that they will then care more about their environment.

Vice Principal
Inspecting the Eco Nurseries is not only a platform to promote environmental protection, it is also a good teaching mechanism. Through the inspection process, the nursery owners are able to understand their contributions to preserving the environment as well as allow them to meet and know that there are ordinary people out there who like and support environmentally friendly procedures. When these owners and their consumers interact more and exchange personal experiences when it comes to their organic efforts, this will indirectly spark the process of educating the wider public on ways to preserve the environment.