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3rd Malaysia Organic Conference
Organic and I

The third Malaysian Organic Conference, organized by Baba, was held in February 2022 with the theme of “Organic and Me”. The conference combined online lectures with offline activities and attracted more than a thousand participants. In addition to local attendees, the online lectures also drew participants and organizations from Taiwan, the United States, Hong Kong, China, and the Maldives.

We are what we eat

Food plays a crucial role in our lives, and with increasing awareness of food safety and environmental protection among consumers, terms like “natural” and “organic” have become synonymous with healthy and fashionable eating. However, many consumers still lack a deep understanding of organic products, and some even hold sceptical attitudes towards them.


From a consumer’s standpoint, this event gathers 8 successful local and international figures with successful stories, coming from 8 different perspectives, to bring you 8 wonderful special sharing sessions as well as an in-depth analysis of organic agriculture’s impact and influence on our daily diet, society and environment, leading you towards a new organic horizon.

At the closing ceremony, Mr. Zhou Zejiang, Chairman of the IFOAM Asia Advisory Committee, delivered a speech for the conference.

With the support and encouragement of various organizations, staff behind the scenes, and participants from all over the world, this conference has finally come to a successful conclusion!

We believe that the conclusion of the organic conference does not signify an end, but rather a continuation of the organic movement. We hope that all participants will share what they have learned and the inspiration they have gained from the lectures, spreading the message of organic farming and continuing to promote its growth.

Baba has been promoting organic farming for many years, and will continue to devote even greater efforts to this cause in the future. This is because “organic” is not just a pursuit of health, it also represents our concern for the continuous vitality of the land and our expression of love for our country. Baba calls on everyone to join hands in making the land more organic, the environment healthier, and the world a better place!

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