As the premier fertilizer supplier and manufacturer in Malaysia, we are dedicated to promoting environmental protection and public health. Mr. Ganick’s organic fertilizer series for plants and vegetables has gained recognition for its compliance with stringent environmental standards and endorsement by international laboratories. Our high-quality organic fertilizers result from natural decomposition, facilitating easy digestion and accelerated growth for plants.

Proper and timely fertilization ensures your vegetables and plants flourish. Here are four key tips for successful fertilization:

Choose the Right Fertilizer for Different Plant Types: Different fertilizers display a three-component ratio on their packaging, representing the internationally recognized proportions of Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K). The order of these elements remains consistent. Opt for organic fertilizers with higher Nitrogen (N) content for leafy plants, and those with elevated Potassium (K) levels for fruits and melons.

Employ Correct Fertilization Techniques: Before fertilizing, loosen compacted soil to facilitate nutrient absorption. Create furrows between rows and apply the fertilizer. Afterward, cover the soil to facilitate the easy decomposition and absorption of organic fertilizer.

Embrace Organic Fertilizers: Organic fertilizers, containing over 50% organic matter, maintain soil softness. 

Adapt Fertilization Timing to Plant Types: For leafy vegetables, apply a foliar feed once a week until harvest. For fruits and melons, begin with foliar feeding once a week after germination. As flowering begins, switch to a flowering and fruiting feed, also applied weekly until harvest.

Purchase our fertilizers from various online platforms like Baba Eshop, Lazada, Shopee, or from local garden centers across Malaysia to discover more. Embark on the journey to cultivate your dream garden today!

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